The SC is drawn to hats that allow themselves to be molded into many different permutations or personalities. The flexible shape changers of the millinery world! This black lacquered straw hat with patent leather band from my hat shop in the 80's takes me as far as my creativity allows. The possibilities are endless! This hat was designed by Kokin HERE, who has a flair for the dramatic. Meeting Kokin many years ago in his showroom in NY during a hat shop buying trip was an experience that I will remember always! This week my yoga teacher made the request of
Another Christian Dior chapeau spoke to me this week. This vintage silk floral bouquet was discovered by my dear friend Thom, who was managing an estate sale for a friend. He called me about it, knowing that I would fall in love with its multicolored beauty. Of course he was right. Friendships that support who we are are priceless! I feel like I have a flower garden on my head, which is a state of mind that I highly recommend! Photos by Daniel April showers bring May flowers. Now it's your turn! Please display your hat, headwrap, headpiece, fascinator, hair flower,
Cocktail hat. Headpiece. Fascinator. Terms dear to my heart! Today my vintage headpiece is composed of feathers and silk veiling. Years ago it was discovered in a vintage shop in Cambridge, which is sadly no longer open. I entered the store with a friend, and there it was perched on the wall, calling to me. I found it irresistible. It's been with me ever since. The pink and chartreuse color combination greets me daily from the hat room. The top of the headpiece reveals the artistry of the milliner. Sometimes I wear the feathers, which resemble a blooming flower, on
Royal Blue, I'm not done with you yet! I feel more alive when under your spell. Royal blue vintage felt hat with fringed brim and feather purchased at Fabulous Fanny's HERE during the hat shopping spree with the Idiosyncratic Fashionistas HERE. Pieces accessorizing the hat are vintage estate sale treasures discovered over the years. The scarf was tossed about with no plan! Photos by Daniel N As always, lighting is everything. Blue becomes electric when exposed to filtered light through sheers! Now it's your turn! Please display your hat, headwrap, headpiece, fascinator, hair flower, headband or other adornment for your head
Photo By Daniel N This vintage hat with high crown and swooping brim, embellished with pheasant and marabou feathers, caught my eye from its perch high on a shelf in the hat room. It was of course purchased at an estate sale years ago. It was last worn at a dear friend's birthday party, feathers flying on the dance floor. Today, November 1st, is Nelson's birthday. To have been well-loved and to have loved with all of my heart allows me to live my life to the fullest in this place in time. I cherish my memories, moving forward, as
Photo by Daniel N Welcome to Hat Attack #3. The SC chose to be embraced by neutrals, wearing a 60's Christian Dior beige velour hat with a swooping brim and high crown trimmed in leather, accompanied by its very own hat box. I purchased this chapeau at an estate sale a few weeks ago. My dear friend was running the sale, which was the estate of an aunt of his friend. I helped with the sale, which was a first for me. "The other side" provided a new perspective of the subculture I have loved and been a part
Photo By Daniel N This vintage large brimmed three dimensional sauceresqe hat was gifted by a friend, who also has a vintage collection, on my most recent birthday. Its label is Adolfo HERE for Montaldo's HERE, a women's specialty shop in Denver that closed years ago. It's navy and off-white straw and structured shape signal the end of summer days and the twice yearly seasonal transition that takes place in the hat room. Enough about my hat. I want to see yours! Please display your hat, headwrap, headpiece, fascinator, hair flower, headband or other adornment for your head that you adore
Photo by Daniel N Welcome to the first edition of Hat Attack, a monthly series taking place on the first day of every month. Please display your hat, headwrap, headpiece, fascinator, hair flower, headband or other adornment for your head that you love and give The SC a hat attack. I can't wait to see the beautiful creations that you have to share. In celebration of the first edition, The SC is wearing a red straw wide-brimmed chapeau trimmed with poppies by Frank Olive HERE from his Private Collection. We loved to go to his show room in New York twice