Photos by The Style Crone

The birthday cape was graced with sequins and beads, so it seemed fitting that its accessories should reflect these decorative details.  Fortunately The SC’s inventory cooperated and provided the elements to achieve this concept!  With this outfit The SC gave herself a gift.


  1. I love these closeups! The hat with the gorgeous paillettes, adding a lighter note to the serious glamour of the bag and cape. I also loved the strength of the shoulders of the cape, as though it helps to carry the weight of this emotional time. And finally, I loved the practical, contemporary addition of jeans and boots.

    A fashion exemplar, and a daily inspiration.

  2. Happy Birthday, dear heart! How magnificent you look! Your birthday is just the day after mine, so it does seem that we are “birds of a feather”! (I always suspected as much.) Hope your birthday meal was lovely. You certainly know how to make the most of each day. A lesson for us all there!

    Much love from England,

  3. …and what an inventory you must have with which to work, one befitting an artist of style.

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