Photo by Nelson

The autumn hat revue continues with the orange/plum hat-Wardrobe Works, tangelo orange jacket-Nordstrom’s rack a decade ago, tall black boots-estate sale.

Nelson’s participating in “What to Wear to Chemo” with his burgundy shirt and leather newsboy cap as he appears in the mirror photographing The Style Crone.  I’ve always said that he can make any outfit shine!  He’s back to the mysterious minimal reveal.

Lab values continue to rise, but based on a stable PET scan and a physician to physician consult with the expert on Nelson’s disease in Nashville (there’s another story), the chemo cocktail remains the same.  So here we are at the “chemo bar” with Nelson setting up his infusion area to his satisfaction, moving the IV pole and chemo pump to just the right place next to his chair, with the statement, “I’m much too familiar with this routine.”  And with good reason because I figured out the other day that he’s had minimally 70 chemo infusions.  That fact in and of itself begs for another type of cocktail lounge.


  1. Oh my gosh, that’s a LOT of chemo. I’ll hold a good thought for you both.

    I LOVE the colors in this ensemble. Just gorgeous, and so perfectly autumnal!

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