Photo by Nelson.

Norma Kamali 80’s long cotton leopard print shirt-gifted, hat-long term hat room resident, shoes and earrings-consignment stores, belt-estate sale, pants-Beyond Yoga.  And again, Nelson is revealing a portion of his shoe and his jeans in the mirror as he takes my photo!  The mystery man in action.

Reporting from the front line!  The SC doesn’t usually like military or sports analogies, but somehow I can’t come up with a better description for today’s position.  Sitting here beside Nelson as he receives his chemo, I look around at our fellow travelers.  The most recently diagnosed have a look of shock and confusion; these are the feeling states that we remember well. The long termers like us have the routine down. It has become part of our life; every other Wednesday we go to chemo, Fridays are date night, and Mad Men is on Sundays at 8pm.  The young people with their ports, beeping pumps and tubes sadden, trouble, and unsettle me.

In the waiting area before chemo, Nelson greeted another gentleman with, “How’re you doing?”  His response was, “It’s a mystery man.  It’s just a mystery.”  Profound waiting room wisdom!  Inspiration can come from anywhere at any time.


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