Hello! I’m really excited to get this blog up and running over the next few weeks. Stay tuned for the adventures of Style Crone…


  1. i am so excited that i am the first person to make a comment, and excited to read and learn about all the wonder fashion you, a BEAUTIFUL woman has to share! i am so glad you came into my life and thank you for the wonderful vintage ties you have giving me!

  2. i’m so excited to read this blog as it unfolds! you are an inspiration with such style and i’m so happy our paths have crossed!

  3. Hello! I ran into a gal who knows/works with you at Buffalo Exchange and she said that you would be the perfect person to talk to about purchasing some lovely cocktail hats! I’m getting married in 6 weeks and all of the female guests are wearing vintage hats and I’d like to stock up so they have some to choose from! Please email me if you can help!

    Looking forward to your reply,

  4. You are a piece of art yourself Judith Boyd so thank you for being you. Can’t wait to read more….

  5. What a wonderful inspiration you are. I have only recently begun to “let myself dress the way I want to” which is totally not casual! I too have hats, but not brave enough yet to wear them, other than for special occassions. Too much like having a lighthouse on your head for me. But I strive to “allow” myself the luxury of hats sometime soon!

    Thank you for the wonderful, inspiring, uplifting blog.

    Shrewsbury, England

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