Photos by The Style Crone

Thank you for the comment regarding The Style Crone’s outfit planning process.  This practice has been a part of every day for many years.  Just as some people love to write, paint, play a musical instrument or sing, I love to express myself  by creating outfits.  As I wrote in my bio, ” I spent most of my career working as a psychiatric nurse in an emergency setting.  I also spent a period of time managing the care of people with head and spinal cord injuries.  Choosing my outfits, which always included a hat, was a way to express myself creatively and as a form of meditation as I approached my day, which usually included extreme and painful stories told by interesting, traumatized people.”

In the year 2004 I challenged myself to create a different work outfit every day.  My internal rule allowed me to repeat elements of an ensemble, but never the same combination. I found that with that challenge my creativity in other areas expanded as well. Usually the planning process starts the night before and all I have to do is walk into The Hat Room for inspiration.  But it can also start with a pair of shoes or even a piece of jewelry. Planning for a special event can begin weeks in advance.  And I find inspiration everywhere as I move throughout my day that brings to mind a piece in my inventory, and then my mind searches for possibilities that flow with the item that I’m focusing on. As I’ve mentioned before, this process gives my memory a workout and is the perfect ‘dementia prevention strategy.’ Additionally, it’s self entertaining, makes me laugh, reduces anxiety, and keeps me focused on creativity.  And on top of that, Nelson has always appreciated The SC’s outfits!  I was wearing a head wrap on the day that we met in 1997, which was an instant announcement of my fascination with headwear.  I don’t think that part of me is going to change any time soon!


  1. I also was taken with the fact you have a hat room….how cool is that! I am similar in the sense that sometimes my outfit was fashioned around one accessory….If I ever have extra room, maybe I will have an accessory room!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. I was intrigued with your mention of a headwrap; any pictures from ” back in the day”?

    Also enjoyed reading about your process. Mine is very similar, especially since I set up shoe shelves in order to be able to see what I have. That creative zone is such a blessing.

    Best!! ………..J.

  3. I love hearing about your creative process in choosing your outfits. Maybe because so many of us (me!!) often act on automatic pilot in getting dressed overlooking such a satisfying opportunity to make yourself a walking work of art. Thanks again for motivating me to aim for my best!
    You and Nelson are such a wonderful inspiration to me.

  4. One other thing, where do you get the display fixtures like what you put your hats on
    and gloves on? I’d love to be able to display some of my jewelry and have tried a couple
    of unsatisfying options like hooks, etc.

  5. I want a photo of the hat room! It was interesting to have a close-up of the turquoise dreads and interesting too to learn what you have done for a living.

  6. The display fixtures are from my hat shop in the 80’s. You might check to see if there are fixture stores in your area. You might be able to find something interesting! Or be on the look out for store closings!

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