Photo by The Style Crone

The Style Crone drew an analogy this morning with an accessory collage and the full range of feelings that occur during any situation in life.  This seems to be intensely true during a crisis.  Sometimes I would rather protect Nelson than express anything negative such as anger, sadness, or engage in a conflict.  But as I think about it, suppressing the so-called negative also inhibits the positive.   An emotional collage is the expression of life, and whatever comes up always passes through.  Perhaps all emotions are really neutral.  Easier said than done, but I’m working on not suppressing The SC’s or Nelson’s humanity.

The liver biopsy results show no liver cancer.  Exhale!!!!  The working hypothesis is that the years of chemo have taken a toll on Nelson’s liver.  Now the decision to restart chemo will be addressed next week.  More collage to come!


  1. I’m glad to hear the biopsy results were good news!

    I remind myself that sharing of ourselves (and especially sharing a life together) means that while we have to be mindful of the other’s feelings, we can’t hold back an entire side of our emotions; that’s really not sharing, not being ourselves with the other person. It sounds as though you two have a wonderful relationship.

  2. Fantastic news about no liver cancer!! It seems to be a case of one day at a time, and take heart from every little upturn of events. Even a lunch out. Personally, I love leopard print. Everyone should have some.
    Love from England

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